“Louis Pasteur is quoted as saying, “When I look upon a child, I am filled with admiration for that child – not so much for what it is today, as for what it may become.” Whenever a child needs medical care, the physician, obviously, must provide the safest, highest quality care, as it has a good possibility to impact the child for the rest of his/her life. To help in that process, The Triaj app has been created to supplement the knowledge and experience of the clinician and/or care team, by providing up to date guidance on how to properly take care of various medical conditions or injuries that may happen to a child. The ultimate purpose is to help reduce the incidence of medical errors. The reduction of medical errors has a secondary benefit of also reducing the overall cost of care.”
Peter F Armstrong, MD, FRCSC, FAOA, FACS, FAAP
President & Chairman of the Board & Chief Med Officer - Emeritus
“I have known Marty Eichelberger, MD, the Founder and CEO of Triaj for many years as a colleague, have respect for his leadership and support the mission of Triaj.
The Triaj Clinical Decision Support System has the potential to transform healthcare with many things we need. The platform provides immediate best-practices at one’s fingertips and provides a resource via video or phone to ensure patients receive the highest quality of patient care that is safe. Further, it can actually end up increasing referrals to centers that have unique knowledge and talent; this is a holy grail of telemedicine – a seamless experience without boundaries. Healthcare needs the Triaj solution and the potential is huge.
Triaj has significant, transformative capabilities which is the reason we implemented a pilot study to assess the system. We are impressed with the ability of the team to be agile to our needs; I was, frankly, surprised by the great interest from the multi-disciplinary teams involved in the pilot which to me demonstrates potential for adaptability and generalizability.”

“Several staff physicians, nurses and I have evaluated the Triaj Clinical Decision Support System. We believe the technology system is a significant innovation for the care of children.
As each of our team evaluates the system, it is evident that Triaj possesses robust pediatric information and will improve the care of the patient at the bedside with just-in-time knowledge. Valley Children’s Hospital is committed to high quality patient care and development of a safe environment which is free from medical errors. Triaj is a new technology platform that provides a practical solution to these challenges.
Triaj provides a platform to educate healthcare providers from our community-based network of hospitals in central California and the Children’s Hospital. The hand-held system will provide quick access to information to reduce medical errors, help mitigate medical malpractice and increase the efficiency of our teams.
We have begun to build the groundwork for a successful pilot study, and we are excited about the early successful results.
I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the development of such a unique system.”
“Under Marty Eichelberger’s incredible drive, strategic thinking and leadership skill, the National SAFE KIDS Campaign and then Safe Kids Worldwide, evolved into over 400 Coalitions in 33 countries globally. The result of his vision and efforts has been a remarkable 61% reduction in child death rate from accidental injury since inception. I am in awe of his talent, ability and passion for saving lives, and am so proud to have been his traveling companion along the way.”

“Triaj will revolutionize the care of children worldwide through the use of just-in-time, world class knowledge in combination with a mobile, cloud application. For emergency staff and especially for the orthopedic surgeon less familiar with the unique needs of the pediatric patient, the result will be increase in quality care, enhancement of patient safety, increase in team productivity and reduction of the cost of care.”
“I know Dr. Eichelberger for his superlative leadership, commitment to excellence, drive for success, and heart to provide the best possible care for hurt children. Engaging with Triaj, Inc. has all the hallmarks of wise investment in medical innovation, while providing the opportunity to “do good” for countless children at local, regional, and global scales.”

“This is a system that will finally empower us to provide the best possible care to any child at any time in any place.”
“I have had the fortune to be included by Dr. Eichelberger on this system as it has been developed and trialed at Children’s National Hospital. We have been enthusiastic supporters of the System during its development and clinical assessment.
The app certainly has the potential to provide many opportunities to improve the care of children that include the quality of treatment, safety of the patient and coordination among the nurses, physicians, surgeons and hospital.
This far the clinical evaluation has been a success with comments about Triaj such as:
“The scope is amazing, and it is optimal to have the integration of orthopedic content with the rest of the patient.”
The app is easy to use, facilitates data management and is an innovation which will improve patient care. The capacity to have just-in-time knowledge at the bedside will expedite care, improve our ability to reduce errors and enhance teamwork.”

“The term triage originated from the French verb trier which means to sort. The new App Triaj helps medical professionals, from EMT’s, nurse’s, DO’s, MD’s, sort out evaluation and treatment from beginning to end. I wish that, when I started practice 49 years ago, this was available. Medical professionals should get this App.”