Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is the function of the TrIAJ APP?

  • “Clinical Decision Support Tool” 

  • Provides world-class evidence-based knowledge at the bedside

  • Offers “Just-in-Time” bedside access to the knowledge on a handheld device

  • Presents immediate access to the sequence of care, medication dosage, equipment, and procedures

  • Guides the healthcare provider through the sequence of essential steps in care

  • Encourages teamwork and collaboration

  • Promotes quality of care, reduced medical errors, and improved outcomes

2. How many diagnoses will the APP include?

  • On the initial version, there are 15 of the most common diagnoses for Head, Thorax, Abdomen, Extremity, Skin, and Physiology

  • More than 34 diagnoses will be addressed by the end of 2023, which will cover the majority of pediatric trauma treatment

3. Will the APP be able to guide care for the patient with multiple diagnoses, e.g., head, spleen, femur fracture?

  • Yes!

  • The healthcare provider can establish the priority of care for each of the diagnoses

4. How many patients can be managed on the APP simultaneously?

  • Up to 25 patients can have care tracked each shift

  • The ability to toggle between patients reminds the healthcare provider about next steps in care for each patient

5. Is the APP useful for all healthcare providers?

  • Yes!

  • For surgeons, physicians, advance practice providers, nurses, corpsmen, and medics

  • Promotes teamwork as all members have access to the same information

  • Enhances consistency of care

  • Will guide care during all phases of care: emergency department, pre-operative care, operating room, post-operative care, critical care, aftercare, and discharge

6. Is the APP useful for patient care during inter-hospital transfer?

  • Yes!

  • The “resuscitation” and “critical care” patient care diagnosis guidance is available for any patient

7. Is it possible to adapt the APP checklist to a hospital’s individual protocol?

  • Yes!

  • The hospital system can submit a request for change that includes evidence-based support for the requested change to the Triaj Medical Advisory Board for consideration

  • Once approved, Triaj will customize the APP for the hospital system, making the modification available to all hospital system healthcare providers

8. Can an individual subscriber request modification of a checklist protocol?

  • Yes!

  • The recommendation for modification can be submitted via the Triaj website

  • The Medical Advisory Board will review all recommended modifications

  • If accepted, the APP will be updated, and the change made will be sent as an update to all subscribers

9. Can the APP link to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) to streamline workflow?

  • Yes – eventually

  • The first Triaj version does not link to the Electronic Health Record (EHR) 

  • The individual subscriber can use the APP to track patient care and reduce medical errors

  • Linkage to the EHR will occur in the future when a hospital enterprise embraces the Clinical Decision Support Tool for their facility