Triaj Resources
January 2021 Release – Totals 471
Text Resources = 382
AMPLE History
APSA spleen-liver non-operative management
AVPU responsiveness assessment
Abdomen Flank OR Indications.pdf
Abdominal Wall Closure after Damage Control Laparotomy
Abuse mechanism of injury
Acute Otitis Media Diagnosis Criteria
Acute Respiratory Decompensation Signs
Acute Respiratory Decompensation Troubleshooting
Acute Seizure Management Medications
Airway Pressure Support for Spontaneous Breathing Trial
Allen Test
Anesthesia Induction Agents
Anesthesia monitored care (MAC)
Anesthesia Oral Premedication Options
Anesthesia equipment and supplies
Animal bite mechanism of injury
Antibiotic Selection for Acute Otitis Media
Antibiotic femur instrumentation
Antibiotics after Damage Control Laparotomy
Arterial Blood Gas Collection
Arterial Blood Gases
Assess Eyes for Injury
Assess Skin for Pressure Injuries
Assessment for Lethal Triad Risk
Assessment of Calories Needed
Bag Mask Ventilation Guide
Bedside Equipment for Tracheostomy
Benefits of Sedation and Analgesia
Bicycle injury Mechanism of Injury
Blast injury Mechanism of Injury
Blood Products Administration
Bradycardia Management Options
Bucks Skin Traction
Burn Injury Progression over 72 hours
Burn Severity by Body Surface Area Affected
Burn Wound Depth Determination
Burn or Fire Mechanism of Injury
CT Screening for Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Capillary Refill Procedure
Carbon monoxide poisoning Mechanism of Injury
Care of Child with Traction
Care of the Donor Skin Graft Site
Cast Care at Home
Cast Care
Causes of Bradycardia
Causes of Shock in Blunt Trauma
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
Cerebral hypertension
Cervical Collar Application
Cervical Collar Brand Sizing
Cervical Collar Sizing
Cervical Collar Skin Care
Chest Tube Insertion
Chest Tube Maintenance
Chest Tube Removal
Chest Tube Removal Indications
Chest Tube Sizes
Circulation and Nerve Check for Home
Close Craniotomy Wound
Complementary Therapies for Pain Management
Complications of MH
Computed Tomography of the Chest in Children
Confirm ET Placement
Confirming placement of an enteral feeding tube
Consider Tympanostomy Tube Placement
Contraindications for Spica Cast
Cranial Nerve Assessment in Infants
Cranial Nerve Reflex Response in Unconscious Child
Craniectomy indications
Craniotomy for Epidural Hematoma
Craniotomy for Subdural Hematoma
Creating a Ventriculostomy Burr Hole
Criteria for Antibiotic Treatment for Acute Otitis Media (AOM)
Criteria for Dantrolene Dosing Change
Cut Stab Pierce Mechanism of Injury
Daily Nutrition Re-assessment
Damage Control Laparotomy Indications
Damage Control Laparotomy
Damage Control Surgery Priorities
Damage Control Surgery for Abdominal Solid Organs
Damage Control Surgery for Abdominal Vascular Injury
Damage Control Surgery for Bladder or Urethral Injury
Damage Control Surgery for Hollow Viscus Injury
Dantrolene Medication Preparation
Decision Factors for Inpatient Management of Burn Injuries
Decision Factors for Outpatient Management of Burn Injuries
Depressed skull fracture
Devices for Oxygen Supplementation
Diazepam dosage guidance
Difficult Airway Assessment Focus
Diffuse Axonal Injury
Discharge Criteria - femur fracture
Discharge Information after Myringotomy for Tympanostomy Tubes
Donor Skin Graft Collection with Dermatome
Dressing options
Drowning Mechanism of Injury
Ear Infections after Myringotomy for Tympanostomy Tubes
Elective Intubation Medications
Elective Surgery Post Anesthesia Discharge Criteria
Elevated Risk for Pressure Injury
Emergency blood labs
Endotracheal Tube Sizes
Enteral nutrition formulas
Enteral Nutrition Route
Epidural Hematoma
Equipment Needed for Craniotomy
Equipment Needed for Intraparenchymal Bolt Insertion
Equipment Needed for Insertion of External Ventricular Drain (EVD)
Equipment Needed for Insertion of ICP Monitor
Equipment Needed for Monitoring ICP
Equipment Needed for Pneumoperitoneum Surgery
Equipment Needed for Spleen Surgery
Equipment Needed for Two Incision Four Compartment Fasciotomy
Equipment Needed for Ventriculostomy
Equipment and Supplies for Skin Grafting
Equipment for Changing the Tracheostomy Tube
Equipment for Damage Control Laparotomy
Equipment for External Fixation Operation procedure
Equipment for Femur Spica Cast Application
Equipment for Insertion of Elastic Intramedullary Nail
Equipment for Open Femur Fracture Operation
Equipment for Percutaneous Cannula Cricothyroidotomy
Equipment for Rigid Intramedullary Nail Insertion
Equipment for Second-Look Damage Control Laparotomy
Equipment for Thoracostomy
Equipment for Tracheostomy Operation
Equipment for Tympanostomy
Equipment for Vacuum Assisted Closure
Equipment for craniectomy
Essential anesthesia medication supplies
Estimated Energy and Protein Needs by Age
Evacuate the Epidural Hematoma
Evacuate the Subdural Hematoma
External Fixation Operation procedure
Expected Behavior of Child
Exposing Spleen for Inspection and Repair
External Fixator Pin Care
FLACC Pain Assessment Tool
FLACC Administration Guidelines
Faces Pain Rating Scale
Fall Mechanism of Injury
Family Education for Myringotomy for Tympanostomy Tubes
Family Stressors
Family Support Strategies
Femur Spica Cast Application
Findings Associated with Abdominal Injury
Findings Associated with a Thermal Inhalation Injury
Fine and Gross Motor Skills by Age
Fluid Bolus Response
Fluids and Blood Products
Focused Abdominal Sonography for Trauma (FAST)
Glasgow Coma Scale
Goals of Initial Damage Control Laparotomy
Goals of Second-Look Damage Control Laparotomy
Goals of Therapy for Head Injury
Guidelines for Burn Center Referral
Guidelines for Pre-operative Fasting
Guidelines for Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation
Guidelines for tympanostomy tube placement
Gunshot wound Mechanism of Injury
Hanging Mechanism of Injury
High Iron Foods
High and Low Energy States
Hollow Viscus Organ Second-look Damage Control Laparotomy Priorities
Hourly Maintenance Fluid Requirements
Hyperthermia Mechanism of Injury
Hypothermia Mechanism of Injury
Hypothermia Management for DC Laparotomy
ICP Monitor Options
ICP Monitoring Indications
ICP Monitors
Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen
Identifying the Ventriculostomy Site- Kocher’s Point
Impending Herniation Treatment
Incentive Spirometry
Increased Cranial Pressure Signs
Indications for Insertion of External Ventricular Drain (EVD)
Indications for Mechanical Ventilation
Indications for Sedation
Indications of Extubation Readiness
Indicators of Stabilizing Malignant Hyperthermia
Initial Application Mechanical Ventilation guidance
Initial Signs of Sepsis
Initiating Enteral Feeding
Inserting the ICP Monitor
Inserting the Ventricular Catheter
Insertion of Elastic Intramedullary Nail
Intracranial Pressure Goal
Intracranial Pressure Norms
Intraosseous Insertion
Intraparenchymal Bolt Insertion
Laboratory Values in Malignant Hyperthermia
Lapbelt syndrome
Laryngeal Mask Airway Sizes
Lethal Triad
Lower Extremity with Vascular Injury
Lund and Browder Chart
Malignant Hyperthermia Cart Contents
Malignant Hyperthermia Dantrolene Formulations
Management of Ear Infections after Myringotomy for Tympanostomy Tubes
Massive Blood Transfusion
Measuring Bladder Pressure
Mechanical Ventilation Titration
Medication Volume Calculation
Medications for Metabolic Acidosis
Medications for cardiac arrest
Metabolic Acidosis
Monitoring Fluid Resuscitation
Myringotomy for Tympanostomy Tube Insertion
Nasogastric-Orogastric Tube Sizes
Needle Decompression Procedure
Neurologic Operating Room Indications
Neuromuscular Blockade Medication
Open Femur Fracture Operation
Open Fracture Types
Open Wound Assessment
Open the anterior and lateral compartments
Open the superficial and deep posterior compartments
Opioid Physiologic Dependence
Opioid Weaning
Osmolar Medications
Other motor vehicle Mechanism of Injury
Otic Antibiotic Drops
Oxycodone + acetaminophen
PECARN Decision Rule for Cervical Spine Radiograph
PECARN Head CT Imaging Rules 2 Years or Older
PECARN Head CT Imaging Rules Less Than 2 Years
Pain Behavior
Pain Medications Intravenous
Parkland Formula for Fluid Resuscitation
Patient Controlled Morphine
Patient OR Preparation for Damage Control Laparotomy
Patient Preparation for Ventriculostomy
Pavlik Harness Application
Pedestrian struck Mechanism of Injury
Pelvic Fracture Second-look Damage Control Laparotomy Priorities
Pentobarbitol Infusion
Perform a Bone Flap for Craniectomy
Perform a Temporal-Parietal Bone Flap
Peritoneal Catheter Removal Indications
Pneumoperitoneum Causes
Pneumoperitoneum Surgery
Poison Ingestions Mechanism of Injury
Positioning and Preparing Patient for Craniotomy
Positioning the Lower Extremity After Fasciotomy
Post-Surgery Documentation for Craniectomy
Post-Surgery Documentation for Craniotomy
Post-Surgery Documentation for DC Laparotomy
Post-Surgery Documentation for Fasciotomy
Post-Surgery Documentation for Pneumoperitoneum
Post-Surgical Documentation After Thoracostomy
Post-Surgical Documentation for Fasciotomy - Lower Extremity
Post-Surgical Documentation for Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy Dressing Change
Post-Debridement Documentation
Potential Benefits of Tympanostomy Tube Placement
Potential Causes of Cardiac Arrest
Potential Causes of Difficult Mask Ventilation
Pre-op Antibiotic for Damage Control Laparotomy
Pre-op antibiotic open femur fracture
Pre-op Antibiotic for Pneumoperitoneum Surgery - Small Bowel Perforation
Pre-op Antibiotic for Spleen Injury Operation
Pre-op Antibiotics Craniectomy
Pre-op antibiotic for neurosurgery
Pre-operative Diagnostic Studies for Ventriculostomy
Prediction Rules CT for Head Injury
Prep and Drape Patient in Supine Position
Preparing the Anesthetic Machine for Malignant Hyperthermia
Prevent Hypothermia
Prevent Myloglobinuria Precipitation
Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
Process for Measuring the External Ventricular Drainage
Pulmonary Embolism Signs
Pulsus Paradoxus Causes
Rapid Sequence Intubation Medications
Racemic Epinephrine Mist Concentration for Endotracheal Tube Extubation
Radiologic Findings in Abusive Head Trauma
Reasons for Difficult Intubation
Recommended IV Fluids for Maintenance
Reduce Unplanned Endotracheal Tube Extubation
Repairing the Spleen
Replace Bone Flap
Respiratory Depression Management
Resuscitation Bag Ventilation Mask Sizes
Reversal agents for opioids and benzodiazepines
Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Rigid Intramedullary Nail Insertion
Risk for severe infection
Risk Factor for C-Spine Injury
Risks Associated with Placement of an External Ventricular Drain
Rule of Nines
S-BAR handoff guidance
Safe Anesthetics for Malignant Hyperthermia
Saphenous Vein Cutdown
Second-Look Damage Control Laparotomy Operation
Second-Look Physiology for Damage Control Surgery
Securing the Ventriculostomy Catheter
Sedation Levels and Response
Sedation Medications
Seizure Prophylaxis
Seldinger Technique
Setting up the Water-Seal Device
Signs increased ICP is not well managed
Signs of Acute Malignant Hyperthermia
Signs of Basilar Skull Fracture
Signs of Depressed Skull Fracture
Signs of Diabetes Insipidus
Signs of Diffuse Axonal Injury
Signs of Ear Infections after Myringotomy for Tympanostomy Tubes
Signs of Epidural Hematoma
Signs of Hemodynamic Stability
Signs of Hypovolemia
Signs of Impending Herniation
Signs of Intracranial Hypertension
Signs of Malignant Hyperthermia Relapse
Signs of Need for Airway Rescue Techniques
Signs of Otitis Media Externa
Signs of Opioid Withdrawal
Signs of Peritonitis
Signs of Pneumoperitoneum
Signs of Pneumothorax
Signs of Respiratory Depression
Signs of Respiratory Failure
Signs of SIADH
Signs of Seizures
Signs of Spontaneous Breathing Trial Failure
Signs of Subdural Hematoma
Signs of Tracheostomy Obstruction
Signs of Wound Infection
Signs of a Transfusion Reaction
Signs of Pneumoperitoneum - Small Bowel Perforation
Signs of pain in a sedated or unconscious child
Skin Graft - Donor - Lower Extremity
Skin Graft - Donor Site - Lower Extremity
Skin Graft - Recipient - Lower Extremity
Skin Graft - Recipient Site - Lower Extremity
Solid Organ Second-look Damage Control Laparotomy Priorities
Spleen Injury Laparoscopy
Spleen Injury Laparotomy
Spleen Injury Management Options
Spleen Injury Management
Spleen Physiology
Stages of Impaired Responsiveness
Stress Ulcer Prevention
Struck by against object Mechanism of Injury
Subdural Hematoma
Suction Catheter Sizes
Suffocation Mechanism of Injury
Temporal Burr Hole
Thoracostomy to Insert a Chest Tube
Thorax and Chest OR Indications
Time Out Essentials
Timing for Tracheostomy Tube Change
Tools to calculate % body surface area
Tracheostomy Operation
Transfusion Reaction Treatment
Treatment for hyperkalemia
Two Incision Four Compartment Fasciotomy - Lower Extremity
Unsafe Meds for Malignant Hyperthermia
Urinary Catheter Sizes
Vacuum Assisted Closure (VAC) Application
VAC Mechanisms and Benefits
VAC application for external fixation pins
Vacuum-Assisted Closure Care at Home
Vascular Access Sizes
Vascular Injury Second-look Damage Control Laparotomy Priorities
Vasoactive Medication Infusion for Post Cardiac Arrest Management
Vasopressor Medications for Central Venous Pressure
Ventilation Anatomy and Physiology
Ventilator-associated pneumonia
Ventriculostomy vs Bolt
Visual Analog Scale Administration
Vital Signs
Weekly Enteral Nutrition Reassessment
When to Call the Ear Doctor
Image Resources = 82
Acute Otitis Media
Bag mask ventilation
CO2 monitor
CT abdomen with blood from spleen
Chest Drainage Bottle
Chest Tube Insertion Site
Deep Dermal Burn
Deep partial thickness and Full thickness
Drug Ingestion
Dura Pierced
External Ventricular Drain (EVD) collection system
EVD leveling
Endotracheal intubation
External Fixation
Femur Fracture AP 6 yo
Femur Fracture Lateral 6yo
Femur Fracture Lateral 6yo2
Femur Fracture Anterioposterior Pin Bone mold 6yo
Femur Fx Lateral 10days post-op 6yo
Freshly debrided burn wound
Full Thickness Burn
Full thickness burn with partial thickness border
ICP monitor
IO cannulation images
Inserting the Chest Tube
Jaw thrust
Landmarks for Thoracostomy
Mapes Knee Tourniquet
Mid-Dermal Burn
Nonrebreather mask
Normal Tympanic Membrane
Normal skin anatomy.jpg
Otitis Media Externa 12
Other motor vehicle Mechanism of Injury
Partial thickness
Radial Artery Landmarks
Ruptured spleen
Splint on elbow
Subdural hematoma
Superficial Dermal Burn
Superficial burn
Superficial partial thickness (mid-dermal
Tunneling with Hemostat
Vacuum Assisted Closure
Visual Analog Scale3
Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale
anterior rigid Intramedullary nail
art line monitor
arterial line
bilat dilated and fixed pupils
c-shaped incision
chest tube insertion
chin lift
displaced shortened femur
dissecting temporalis muscle
drill burr hole
head incision
infusion pump system
lift skull after burr hole
needle decompression
pneumoperitoneum AP
pneumoperitoneum LAT
pneumothorax after chest tube
raccoon eyes
saphenous vein cutdown
saphenous vein cutdown1
saphenous vein cutdown2
secure endotracheal tube
sniffing position
tension pneumothorax
unilat dilated and reactive pupil
unilat fixed and dilated pupil
water seal drainage
zimmer dermatome 1
zimmer dermatome 2
Video Resources = 7
Abdominal Vacuum Assisted Closure
Bowyer Elster Compartment Syndrome
Principles of Airway Anesthesia Pain
Side impact syndrome
Triaj Femoral Vessel Exposure
Triaj Pelvic Packing
Triaj Two Incision Four Compartment Fasciotomy